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Our Safer Home Commitment

New Normal, New Needs, New Steps for Ensured Safety

Keeping our residents and employees safe has been and continues to be our number one priority. As we work to manage the impact and ongoing concerns of the Coronavirus, Covenant Living is introducing our Safer Home Commitment at every location throughout the country – we’ve developed very specific protocols to create a Safer Home for our residents and the employees that serve them. Learn more by downloading our PDF!

Our Safer Home Commitment includes:

  • Testing of Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living residents and healthcare employees for COVID-19
  • Disease prevention best practices, including handwashing, appropriate physical distancing, and proper use of facial coverings or masks for employees and residents
  • Increased frequency of cleanings and ensuring all disinfectants used are proven effective against COVID-19
  • Designated containment rooms in skilled nursing for the care and movement of COVID-19 patients, as well as limitations for the number of staff permitted to enter (always with required PPE)
  • Portable handwashing stations to encourage frequent handwashing
  • Additional housekeeping staff, added to meet increased cleaning demands
  • Weekly training for housekeeping staff on proper handwashing, donning of PPE, and cleaning resident rooms
  • Increased frequency of laundry and trash pick-up

Please consult our downloadable PDF for the full overview of protocols and processes put in place as part of Our Safer Home Commitment.

If you have questions about this or would like to learn more, please contact us today! We’re here to help.

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